Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Google introduces the Knol

Google introduces a new feature called as Knol. Knol is a article project. Google went live with Knol, a platform to read and write articles on all kinds of subject. This project is somewhat reminiscent of Wikipedia, though there are many differences as well. Everyone write and read the articles. Google was announced on December 13, 2007, and was opened in beta to the public on July 23, 2008. The term knol, named after a "unit of knowledge", refers to both the project and an article in the project.

Everyone write and share any topics and industry such as scientific concepts, to medical information, from geographical and historical, to entertainment, from product information and all.

Each knol article will be written by a single author or group of authors. Other users may suggest changes which the author or authors may accept, reject, or modify. All must sign in first with a Google account. Readers may rate or comment on the articles. There can also be multiple articles for the same topic, each written by a different author. Google [believes] that knowing who wrote what will significantly help users make better use of web content.

When you log-in within your Google account to write an article on a subject you’re familiar with, you’ll use the kind of live-layout editor typical for Google (and much easier to use than Wikipedia’s editor). For every article you can also choose your licensing, your collaboration, and your advertising model. For instance, you can connect an article to your AdSense account – this triggers a verification process. You can pick a license; either a Creative Commons Attribution license, or a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial license, or the old-style “all rights reserved.” And for collaboration, you can pick open (everyone who’s signed in can edit), moderated (everyone can suggest edits but you or another author will be able to approve these before they would go live – this is the default setting), and closed (meaning only owners – i.e. admins – and authors can edit).

Read more

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Google PageRank Explained

Google PageRank or PR for short is numeric value assigned by Google to pages that represents how important a page is. The more important and known your pages are, the better PR they will get. PR is a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is an unknown page for Google and 10 is the highest PR that can be assigned.

PageRank provides the basis for all of web search tools. It is always updated by Google in order to improve it and optimize it.

How is PageRank Calculated?

No one knows for sure how PageRank is currently calculated by Google (except Google itself). Some speculations about the algorithm are made by webmasters all of them are based on the original PageRank published by Google.
In essence, Google interprets a link for page A to page B as a vote by page A for page B. This means that page A is considered important (at least by page B).
The more votes (more links) page A gets the higher its PR will be.

Going into more details
As stated above, the main factor in PR is links (or backlinks as they are called). But no all links weight the same when it comes to PR. So an 'important' page linking to you gives you more PR than a 'less important' one.
There for you should always try to get backlinks from pages that have a high PR. These will benefit your page the most.
Another factor in PR propagation is the number of out-links the 'voting' page have. So a PR4 page with only one out-link on it might give you more weight than a PR5 page with 100 out-links on it.
An typical example here would be the famous milliondollarhomepage. This page is PR7 page with hunderds of out-links therefore its weight is would contribute very little to your page PR.

How to increase my PageRank?

Well as you would have probably guessed, PR can be increased by getting more backlinks for your page. The more backlinks and the higher quality they are the more your PR will be.
Here are some tips:

* Submit your site to directories.
* Write important content to your site that would make people link to you.
* Write articles and distribute them.
* Although I don't recommend it but some people recommend it: Do link exchanges.
* Participate in forums (while adding your signature which includes a link to your site).
* Buy some links on high PR pages.

When does Google calculate PRs?

Google calculates pages PRs once every few months, this is called PR update. After a PR update is done, all pages are assigned a new PR by Google and you will have this PR until a new PR update is done.
New sites that were just launched will have a PR of 0 until an update is done by Google so that they are assigned an appropriate PR.

Other 'possible' factors considered
The following are some other factors might be considered by Google for calculating the PR lately:

* Site age: The older the better, Google seems to like old sites.
* Backlink relevancy: Googles seems to be taking into account how relevant is the page linking to you, if it is not that relevant, the link won't weight much.
* Backlink duration: How long was the backlink up? The more the better.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

5 Surefire Ways to Increase Google Adsense Earnings

I have been adding Google Adsense to my websites for a couple of years now with great success. It's amazing how adsense earnings can turn into another significant monthly income stream with little effort on your part. Once the ads have been added to your site there is little or no maintenance.

Some internet marketers are earning $100s and even $1000s per day with Adsense. Although I haven't reached that level I have learnt a little over the years to make the most profit from the Adsense ads on my pages.

Here are my 5 most effective ways to maximise your Adsense earnings:

1. Blend the Ads in with your Site - Create colors for your ads that will blend in with the colors on your website. The idea is to make the ads look less like ads and more like just another part of your site. To do this, make the Adsense ad border and background the same color as your website background. Also make the link text the same color as your website link text. This small change should significantly increase your Adsense click thru rate.

2. Place the Ads Correctly - Place the ads in a prominent position on your website. No point placing the ads where they are not going to be seen by the vast majority of your websites visitors. The most effective places to position your ads are at the top centre of your site and at the top right hand-side. Website visitor eyes tend to move from top centre to top right so anywhere in this area is good and of course you can find the most appropriate ads to fit well in these areas.

3. Choose the Most Profitable Ad Format - Through testing it has been found that the most effective Google Adsense format is the (338x280) large rectangle. This ad will outperform all the others but do not sacrifice the design of your website by squeezing one of these ads in where it just doesn't look right. Placing a large rectangle in the centre of the page is more preferable to putting it in one of the side columns where the layout will be effected.

4. Wrap Your Content - Through proper formatting you can wrap the content of your site around the ads. This is especially effective when wrapping a website article around a (338x280) ad. If you visit any of my sites that have articles on them you can see how this looks. For instructions how to do this just Google "wrap text around Google adsense".

5. Maintain Relevant Content - Although Google's automatic script for targeting ads to the content of your site is mostly first class there are times when it doesn't match the right ad to your content. The way to avoid this is to place good quality targeted content on your pages. If you are creating websites specifically to earn from Google then make sure to focus the keywords around one topic. Placing various keywords on a variety of unrelated topics will result in untargeted ads on your site.

The most important point when placing Google adsense on your websites is to stay within Google's terms of service which you can find on their site. Many people have lost their Adsense accounts through flirting with dodgy practices in order to increase earnings. This may pay off in the short term but Google will always catch you out in the end.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner

For those unfamiliar with the term, a learning style is a way in which an individual approaches learning. Many people understand material much better when it is presented in one format, for example a lab experiment, than when it is presented in another, like an audio presentation. Determining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Here are some great tools that you can use to cater to your individual learning style, no matter what that is.

Visual Learners

Visual learners learn through seeing and retain more information when it’s presented in the form of pictures, diagrams, visual presentations, textbooks, handouts and videos. Here are some Web resources that cater to those needs.

Mind Mapping

Get your ideas charted out in a visual format with these easy-to-use online brainstorming and organizational tools.

  1. This flash-based mind mapping tools allows you to chart out your thoughts in a colorful format, share them with friends or embed them in blogs, websites and emails.
  2. Free Mind: Mind mapping is easy and free with this Java tool. You’ll be able to manage your notes, lay out a paper and more completely online.
  3. WiseMapping: You can access your mind maps from anywhere with this online tool. You can lay out words, pictures, ideas and more easily with WiseMapping.
  4. Mindomo: Premium versions of this mind mapping tool come at a cost, but you can get access to the basic version for free. It allows you to add links, pictures and text to mind maps and share them over the net.
  5. DeepMehta: This mind mapping tool is built around the idea of knowledge management and cognitive psychology. The open source tool allows sharing, emailing and even contains an embedded calendar.
  6. MindMeister: Collaborate with your classmates on mind maps with this great online tool. The basic version is free and comes complete with the ability to create, share, import and export maps.
  7. Mind42: The name of this tool represents "for two", and is indicative of the collaborative nature of this mapping tool. It can make it easy to keep track of your ideas, share them with friends and teachers and take them with you no matter where you are.
  8. RecallPlus: Students can organize their notes, create flashcards, make use of 3D tools and more in this great mind mapping tool.
  9. Mapul: This mind mapping program has basic and premium levels and allows users to map not only text but images and hyperlinks as well.
  10. DebateMapper: If you’re struggling to understand a debate for your classes try creating a visual representation with this great mapping tool.
  11. CMapTools: CMapTools is free for students to use and allows them to create and share all kinds of knowledge maps.
  12. Thinkature: This site allows real-time collaboration on flow charts, diagrams and mind maps with features that include color organization and freehand drawing.

Charting and Diagrams

Love to put information into charts and diagrams? These tools can help you do that.

  1. Gliffy: Gliffy makes it easy to lay out ideas in flow charts and diagrams or to create floor plans and technical drawings to help you better visually understand information.
  2. FlowChart: Create great flow charts for your classes using this online tool, which comes complete with drawing tools and objects as well as collaborative tools.
  3. DrawAnywhere: This online program allows you to create diagrams and flow charts to represent all kinds of information. Best of all, you can log in from anywhere to get access to your diagrams.
  4. AjaxSketch: This web-based drawing tool makes it easy to not only create flow charts and diagrams but to do freehand drawing as well and you can use it right from Firefox.
  5. XML/SWF Charts: Those familiar with XML will be able to turn their data into colorful and useful charts with this downloadable tool.
  6. yEd: Is a very powerful graph editor and creation tool that can be used to quickly and effectively generate drawings and to create easily read and laid out graphs and diagrams.
  7. Graphviz: If you’ve got a lot of information about the structure of a website or anything else for that matter, this tool can help you to easy map it out into a graph or network.
  8. Kivio: Kivio easy to use diagramming and flowcharting application that is part of the KOffice suite of programs. It comes with features to network diagrams, create organization charts, build flowcharts and more.
  9. Project Draw: This program is a feature-rich web-based vector drawing application that will allow you to create diagrams and graphs of any kind of information as well as making a variety of other kinds of drawings.
  10. Best 4C: This Web-based tool allows you to create and share charts from anywhere, making it easier than ever to diagram and draw your ideas.
  11. LovelyCharts: Charts created through this tool really can be lovely with full color capabilities and loads of graphics.

Videos and Photos

Find everything you’ll need to learn through videos and pictures with these tools.

  1. Google Video: Google Video is chock full of educational videos that can help explain everything from how to use Second Life to learn to explanations of psychological illnesses.
  2. YouTube College: Sign up with your individual college and share videos with fellow students on this College-based version of YouTube. You can post your own visual notes and slides or look at those of others.
  3. Picasa: Picasa is Google’s answer to photo sharing and you can upload images from an art history or anatomy class and study them from anywhere on the Web.
  4. Flickr: This social networking and photo posting site can be a great way to share images from a class with your classmates or look for images to back up your notes.
  5. Scooch: Scooch is a Web-based slide show program that will allow you to post photos and make slide shows that you can share with others over the Web.
  6. Perseus Digital Library: In need of visual representations of manuscripts or sculptures from ancient Rome and Greece? You can find tens of thousands on this online library and database.
  7. Teachertube: Teachertube is a great place to find instructional videos on just about everything. You can learn about the formation of mountains, world history and economics on this useful educational site.
  8. Screencast-o-Matic: Create a video or photo of your screen with this helpful online tool. It can be a great way to remember how to do tasks on the computer or just to share images online.
  9. Jing Project: This tool allows you to snap a photo of your desktop, make recordings of your activities and email or IM them to anyone.
  10. Visuwords: Text dictionaries don’t always give visual learners the explanations they need. This dictionary is graphically based, making it easy to see what concepts or ideas are represented.
  11. KartOO: Along those same lines, Kartoo is a visual search engine, giving you results laid out in a networked chart so it’s easy to see how topics relate.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners do best in classes where listening is a main concern. These learners prefer verbal lectures and discussions. Auditory learners can get a leg up on their learning with these Web tools.


Get all kind of supplementary education materials through these great podcast tools.

  1. ProfCasts: Turn a PowerPoint presentation into a useful and portable podcast using this tool. It can be a great way to put class materials into a format you can bring with you anywhere.
  2. Moodle: Post and share podcasts with an interactive online community using Moodle. You can not only post your own podcasts but get access to those of others that could provide educational value to you.
  3. First Class: This collaboration and communication software offers a podcast publishing feature that can be great for educational purposes.
  4. Podomatic: Find, share and publish your podcasts through Podomatic. You can search for existing podcasts that may cover topics you’re researching or that are relevant to your classes.
  5. provides a huge listing of podcasts from all over the Web. You’ll be able to find just about anything you need in an easy, audio format.
  6. Educational Podcast Network: Narrow your search for podcasts down to those dedicated to education. You can learn about everything from math to dance right on your iPod.
  7. PoducateMe: Don’t know the first thing about podcasting or how you can use it to make education a little easier? This site has all the information you need.

Presentation Tools

Put your notes or classroom information into an audio format with these handy apps.

  1. Zoho Show: This great online tool allows you to create, edit and share presentations online making it easy to create interactive homework assignments or to organize your notes in an audio-visual format.
  2. Eyespot: Users can create video mixes online and share them with others on this site and can even add effects to their graphics and music.
  3. Thumbstacks: Thumbstacks allows users to create a web-based presentation or slide show and then share it with others.
  4. SlideShare: This site takes more of a networked approach to creating presentations allowing you to post your presentations and browse those of other users.
  5. Empressr: You can access your organized class materials or projects from anywhere with this tool and share them with friends and other classmates easily.
  6. ThinkFree Show: If you are using PowerPoint to organize your class notes into a more visual and audio conducive format then you can take advantage of this site which makes it easy to take them to the Web.
  7. AuthorStream: Another PowerPoint centered program, AuthorStream makes it simple to upload and share your presentations.
  8. Toufee: If Flash is more your style you can use this online tool which gives you the tools needed to publish and play flash presentations and movies.
  9. PhotoStory 3: Make your slides for class a little more interesting with this free program from Microsoft. You can add special effects or your own voice narration.

Audio Tools

Listen and edit your sounds and music with these tools.

  1. Jamglue: Mix and edit your audio clips with this online tool and when you’re done, share the finished product with other online visitors in a YouTube like format.
  2. Audacity: One of the most popular free audio editors out there, audacity is multi-featured and allows users to record and edit in all kinds of formats.
  3. Wave Surfer: Visualize and manipulate sounds with this free and customizable tool.
  4. Looplab: Create and manipulate short loops and phrases with this great sound editing tool.
  5. LAME: This open source tool makes it easy to encode and manipulate MP3s.

Text Readers

Understand material better when it’s read out loud? These Web tools can do that for you.

  1. Adobe Acrobat Reader: You may not know this, but Adobe Reader has a feature that will allow the contents of the document to be read out loud. It can be a great way for the more auditorially inclined to get through readings.
  2. Read Please: Cut and paste text or type it directly into the input form on this site and the program will read it to you. It can be a very useful tool for making sure essays and projects are written correctly.
  3. Text Reader: Here you’ll find a tool that will give you audio for any text you feed into it.
  4. Expressivo: This simple text reader will give you a variety of audio readings when you paste or type text into the entry form.
  5. ItCanSay: This site has a great online text reader and can also give you some help pronouncing difficult words that aren’t said like they’re spelt.
  6. Midomi: While not quite a text reader, this tool couldn’t be left out of this list. It’s a search engine that is based on sound rather than text. It can be a more intuitive way to find things if you respond better to sounds.

Audio Books

Those who have trouble retaining information from printed words can listen to their assigned reading instead with help from these sites.

  1. LibriVox: This site provides free audiobooks for books in the public domain and has numerous titles. If you don’t find what you want, see if you can volunteer to create a recording of the book yourself.
  2. History and Politics Out Loud: Here you’ll find speeches, historical information and more in an audio format, making it easier to take in and absorb for the auditory learner.
  3. Audible: This subscription site allows visitors to download from thousands of audio books, both best sellers and classics making it easy to find what you need for class.
  4. Project Gutenburg: Books that are no longer under copyright can be found here and there is a special section for audio books, both read by computers and by humans.
  5. Free If your class is reading an older text you may be able to find a free version of it to listen to on this site. It contains recordings of numerous out of copyright books.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners do best when they interact and touch things. They prefer a hands-on approach to learning and enjoy interacting with classroom materials and those around them. These tools can help keep these inquisitive learners busy.

Note Taking Tools

No matter what you’re reading or watching you can make it more interactive by taking notes and these tools can help.

  1. MyNoteIT: This great tool allows students to take and store their notes online, edit them with the help of classmates, look up words or terms you don’t understand and keep track of things you need to do.
  2. Google Docs: With this program from Google you can take notes online, save them, and even send them to your peers for collaboration.
  3. Notely: Keep your class notes, to-do lists and more organized and easy to access with this site.
  4. NoteMesh: This site allows students from the same class to share notes by creating a wiki, making it easy and practical to work together.
  5. Here, students are able to actively organize their class materials, take and store notes, share information and even link to online reference sites.
  6. ShortText: This is a very simple tool for taking notes online. Simply enter your text, hit save, and you’ve got an online note you can revisit anytime you like.
  7. YourDraft: Take notes with this rich text editor and share and save them online.
  8. Stickkit: Get an intelligent sticky note with this great online program. It looks at the text on your notes and can recognize important dates, bookmarks, emails and more, organizing them for you and making it easy to stay on top of everything.
  9. SyncNotes: If you use a PDA this can be a great way to keep your notes accessible on both your main computer and your portable device.
  10. JotCloud: If you’re the type that loves to put sticky notes all over everything then you’ll enjoy this online note taking tool. It allows you to create clouds of stickies anywhere you need them.
  11. NoteCentric: Store and share your classroom notes with this innovative site. It keeps your notes organized so you can reference them later and you can easily access it through a Facebook account.


Mark references for later while you’re researching with these tools.

  1. This online tool makes it easy to mark sites you find interesting to use for later research or to send to friends and project partners.
  2. Clipmarks: Don’t waste time searching through webpages you’ve already read to find the content you needed. Instead, clip it out this this tool. You can clip and email bits to yourself as you go making online research more active.
  3. Wizlite: Don’t just save online material for later, highlight and tag it just like you would a real book with this great online tool.
  4. i-Lighter: Help make online reading a little more hands on with this highlighting program. It allows you to mark parts of online text you found interesting or want to revisit later.
  5. Web-Chops: Web-Chops allows you to clip out any part of a webpage then save and share these clips. It can be a great way to study for tests or prepare for papers in a more interactive fashion.
  6. Furl: This social bookmarking site makes it easy to keep track of webpages you were interested in, share them with classmates and keep them organized for research.
  7. Ma.gnolia: Search through sites others have bookmarked as interesting or use the site to highlight your own information from the Web and keep it in an easy to find place.
  8. Blinklist: Make lists of sites that are relevant to whatever you’re working on with Blinklist. If you have a blog, you can even have the links appear automatically on it, making them super easy to access later.


Get involved with the material with these online applications.

  1. Flash Card Machine: This site allows you to create web-based flash cards to study the information you have for class using text and pictures.
  2. Quia: With Quia, you’ll be able to create your own online quizzes and educational games to help you study your materials in a more interactive fashion.
  3. Quizlet: Quizlet makes it easy to study things like vocabulary words with it’s online study tools. You can make quizzes, use your friend’s or browse existing flashcards on the site.
  4. Pauker: This open source program will test your short and long term memory with a system that makes it easy to create and reuse flashcards and quizzes.
  5. Interactives: Need a more interactive explanation of a concept from class? You’ll find dozens of educational ones here that can help explain geology, chemistry, math and more.


These chatting and networking tools can make it easy to interact with classmates and friends.

  1. Meebo: This website allows students to IM from anywhere, even computers without the software installations for major programs like AIM, Yahoo!, MSN and more.
  2. Campfire: Here students can create password protected chat rooms to discuss their assignments, collaborate on projects or just chat. Best of all, you won’t need to install a thing.
  3. CollegeRuled: Students can set up class message boards, create to-do lists and interact with classmates on this site.
  4. Campusbug: This site provides a social learning network where students can interact and chat with each other while asking questions and getting answers about class materials.
  5. Facebook: One of the most popular social network sites for students, Facebook provides a place where classmates can come together to chat about assignments, keep up with their lives and post links to sites, videos and photos.
  6. Backpack: Backpack allows students to organize their notes, to-do lists and calendars while sharing information and working with classmates.
  7. The Campus Center: Students can get together and network on this site and also have access to note taking and spreadsheet programs.
  8. JotSpot: Working in a group just became easier with this online wiki tool that allows students to share notes, project ideas and information in an easily accessible format.
  9. WebBrush: Collaborate in a fun and creative way with this tool that lets students send drawings and graphics to one another.
  10. Grouptivity: This site allows students to use email to start a group discussion about class projects and assignments or just to complain about their professors.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Must Read Wordpress SEO

I started writing my beginner's guide to WordPress SEO a while back, and have since done a load of posts on the subject, an article in the Search Marketing Standard, newsletters, and presentations. It's time to let all the info of all these different articles fall into one big piece: the final guide to WordPress SEO.

As search, SEO, and the Wordpress platform evolve I will keep this article up to date with best practices.

As I take quite a holistic view on SEO, this guide will cover quite a lot, here's the contents...


How Google Measures Search Quality

This post continues my prior post Are Machine-Learned Models Prone to Catastrophic Errors. You can think of these as a two-post series based on my conversation with Peter Norvig. As that post describes, Google has not cut over to the machine-learned model for ranking search results, preferring a hand-tuned formula. Many of you wrote insightful comments on this topic; here I'll give my take, based on some other insights I gleaned during our conversation.

The heart of the matter is this: how do you measure the quality of search results? One of the essential requirements to train any machine learning model is a a set of observations (in this case, queries and results) that are tagged with "scores" that measure the goodness of the results. (Technically this requirement applies only to so-called "supervised learning" approaches, but those are the ones we are discussing here.) Where to get this data?

Given Google's massive usage, the simplest way to get this data is from real users. Try different ranking models on small percentages of searches, and collect data on how users interacted with the results. For example, how does a new ranking model affect the fraction of users who click on the first result? The second? How many users click to page 2 of results? Once a user clicks out to result page, how long before they click the back button to come back to the search results page?

Peter confirmed that Google does collect such data, and has scads of it stashed away on their clusters. However -- and here's the shocker -- these metrics are not very sensitive to new ranking models! When Google tries new ranking models, these metrics sometimes move, sometimes not, and never by much. In fact Google does not use such real usage data to tune their search ranking algorithm. What they really use is a blast from the past. They employ armies of "raters" who rate search results for randomly selected "panels" of queries using different ranking algorithms. These manual ratings form the gold-standard against which ranking algorithms are measured -- and eventually released into service.

It came as a great surprise to me that Google relies on a small panel of raters rather than harness their massive usage data. But in retrospect, perhaps it is not so surprising. Two forces appear to be at work. The first is that we have all been trained to trust Google and click on the first result no matter what. So ranking models that make slight changes in ranking may not produce significant swings in the measured usage data. The second, more interesting, factor is that users don't know what they're missing.

Let me try to explain the latter point. There are two broad classes of queries search engines deal with:

  • Navigational queries, where the user is looking for a specific uber-authoritative website. e.g., "stanford university". In such cases, the user can very quickly tell the best result from the others -- and it's usually the first result on major search engines.
  • Informational queries, where the user has a broader topic. e.g., "diabetes pregnancy". In this case, there is no single right answer. Suppose there's a really fantastic result on page 4, that provides better information any of the results on the first three pages. Most users will not even know this result exists! Therefore, their usage behavior does not actually provide the best feedback on the rankings.

Such queries are one reason why Google has to employ in-house raters, who have been instructed to look at a wider window than the first 10 results. But even such raters can only look at a restricted window of results. And using such raters also makes the training set much, much smaller than could be gathered from real usage data. This fact might explain Google's reluctance to fully trust a machine-learned model. Even tens of thousands of professionally rated queries might not be sufficient training data to capture the full range of queries that are thrown at a search engine in real usage. So there are probably outliers (i.e., black swans) that might throw a machine-learned model way off.

I'll close with an interesting vignette. A couple of years ago, Yahoo was making great strides in search relevance, while Google apparently was not improving as fast. Recall then that Yahoo trumpeted data showing their results were better than Google's. Well, the Google team was quite amazed, because their data showed just the opposite: their results were better than Yahoo's. They couldn't both be right -- or could they? It turns out that Yahoo's benchmark contained queries drawn from Yahoo search logs, and Google's benchmark likewise contained queries drawn from Google search logs. The Yahoo ranking algorithm performed better on the Yahoo benchmark and the Google algorithm performed better on the Google benchmark.

Two learnings from this story: one, the results depend quite strongly on the test set, which again speaks against machine-learned models. And two, Yahoo and Google users differ quite significantly in the kinds of searches they do. Of course, this was a couple of years ago, and both companies have evolved their ranking algorithms since then.

New Version of Google Trends Released

Recently, changes to Google Trends have been noticed, and today Google is finally announced a new version of the tool on the Official Google blog. The latest version includes a numeric metric dubbed 'relative scaling' and the ability to export trends data.

With relative scaling, the numbers will not provide exact data, but will give you ballpark of how certain terms are trending. Here's how is Google Trends team explained relative scaling:

You'll notice a number at the top of the graph as well as on the y-axis of the graph itself. These numbers don't refer to exact search-volume figures. Instead, in the same way that a map might “scale” to a certain size, Google Trends scales the first term you've entered so that its average search volume is 1.00 in the chosen time period. So in the example above, 1.00 is the average search volume of vanilla ice cream from 2004 to present. We can then see a spike in mid-2006 which crosses the 3.00 line, indicating that search traffic is approximately 3 times the average for all years.

The export function offers two options: relative scaling or fixed scaling. Fixed scaling is data scaled to a specific timeline.

Previously, users noticed the removal of the ability to view trends hourly.

What do you think of the new Google Trends? Give us your thoughts in the comments.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SEO A Guide for Beginners

What is SEO? Forget the hype, search engine optimization (SEO) is the art of getting a website to work optimally with search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK.

  • You don’t pay anything to get into Google, Yahoo or MSN
  • To get into Google, for instance, you must consider and largely abide by search engine rules for inclusion.
  • It’s thought all search engines rank websites by the quality of incoming links to a site from other websites and hundreds of other metrics. Generally speaking, a link from a page to another page is viewed in Google “eyes” as a vote for that page the link points to.
  • If you have original quality content on a site, you have a chance of generating quality links. If your content is found on other websites, you will find it hard to get links. If you have decent content on your site, you can let authority websites know about it, and they might link to you.
    • Search engines need to understand a link is a link. Links can be designed to be ignored by search engines (the attribute nofollow effectively cancels out the usefulness of a link, for instance)

Read More . . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Create website logo in photoshop

Here is a quick way to design your own web page logos using Photoshop/Imageready:

1. Find a suitable image to use
2. Copy and paste it in Photoshop/Imageready.
3. Go to Image->Canvas size and resize the width to 600px.
4. Place the image on the left side of the canvas.
5. Select using single row selection the right part of the image.
6. Go to Edit->Define pattern.
7. Deselect, Create new layer and goto Edit->Fill->Use Pattern.
8. Erase/Smudge any part of the image layer until it blends correctly.
9. Use Gradient styling to the new layer to enhance the visual effect. Also if you want more clear initial image apply Filter->Artistic->Cutout to the photo at the beginning.

More security on adsense

If you are using Google AdSense as a revenue advertising system, then you might want to implement these security measures in order to prevent someone from displaying your adverts with a wrong purpose in mind(i.e. click frauds or placing ads code on inappropriate website)

Here are the steps to ensure that your ads are displayed on purpose:
1. Login to AdSense
2. Click on AdSense Setup tab->Allowed Sites
3. Under List your allowed URLs, one per line:
type your trusted websites that you allow ads to be running on

That's it!

Analysis and monitoring SEO tools that work for free

There are lots of good tools that can be used to monitor your SEO campaign, but almost all of them must be purchased. For the people who want truly powerfull and free SEO tools I'll present my favorites:
Just type an URL and you can investigate your competiton by their backlinks - ie. which pages have voted for them.

Free monitor for google
Enter the keywords that you wish to be optimised, the check positions for example: 150 (which will limit the search maximum up to the 15th results page) and begin monitoring your results.
  • Compare with your previous results and determine the exact website changes that you've made resulted in a SERPS position change!

  • Closely monitor the rivals above you, and if you build a better page, you'll be on top.
One of the most important and the same time simple truth that I've learned through the years of websites optimization is that in order to be on first positions you must deserve them.
I.e you have to represent constanlty relevant and updated information on the subject that you've been presenting/writing for - so the webpage to be really beneficial to the users.

Even most sophisticated backlink schemes won't get you on top of SERPS, when offering content of poor quality. The first pages search results and visitors stay time are being constantly monitored by real people, so next time it's better to think what could you offer to the visitors!

3 ways to increase CPC and eCPM

There are some things that anyone could do to increase his/her incomes when using Adsense.
Here is the list:

1. Changing ads
Check your Adsense statistics. If you're having low CPC(cost per click) then you should move your ad above the fold and/or change its color scheme. Experiment until there's a positive effect.

2. Try decreasing your ad units
The reasons:

- the second and third ad spot clicks are not so-profitable as the first ones. And if you have higher CPC on your middle ad then place it to appear first in your HTML code, then position with CSS to the place where it's getting maximum clicks.

- when having 25 ad links on a page and the user clicks on only 1 then your eCPM will start to get low, because this way the advert impressions are growing but the clicks are staying same.

3. Add more useful content to the webpage
You can use Google Analytics or other web statistics software to see the average stay time on your webpages. This way you might find the pages that need to be enriched or rewritten. And if you manage to increase visitors stay time then your eCPM will surely grow!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Article Submission As A Search Engine Optimization Option

Article submission can be a great means of obtaining free advertising and gaining good one way links back into your web site. One way links are considered one of the most important search engine optimization goals for any webmaster.

To get the most mileage out of article submissions, you need to follow a fairly standard set of guidelines. Follow these guidelines and your search engine optimization program will get a boost, your reputation within genre is likely to rise and the amount of traffic may increase over time. Article submission guidelines include:

  • Niche Selection: use your web site as the basis for establishing the niche you are going to write in. If your web site is promoting car alarms, use a niche related such as motor vehicle security. You may find that being more specific and using motor vehicle alarms is even more appropriate.
  • Submission Site: many sites that offer article submission tips leave this to last, I find it can be important to look at first. Determine where you are going to submit the article, what categories they have and what they allow/forbid within the content. Follow their guidelines. When selecting a site check on whether or not you are going to get a link back from the site itself - search engine optimization relies on inbound links so start with submission sites that may offer link juice.
  • Select a Topic: select a topic that you have specific knowledge of, or are familiar with and that you know you can easily research. Selecting a topic makes research difficult as you often don’t know what to actually research. Stick to what your know.
  • Research Keywords: do a little research looking for appropriate keywords for your topic and niche. Remember one of the reasons you are undertaking this project is to aid in your search engine optimization program.
  • Write a Good Title: actually, make it a great title. You are looking to attract readers and, more importantly, other webmasters to your article. Sell the article using a great title.
  • Content: as with all articles, content is highly important. Your content needs to be relevant to the title and niche and must provide value to the reader. It must the kind of article that other webmasters would want to have on their sites.
  • Resource Box: create a resource box that has a short bio and that links back to your pages. This is the section that provides the link structure for your search engine optimization program. If you can optimize your links then all the better.
  • Submit: submit your article following the article submission sites guidelines.

This is a basic list of steps to follow. Other important areas to note are things like spelling and grammar and using a good paragraph structure. Sometimes it is a good idea to get a third party to review the article. Failing that, leave the article for a day or so then come back and read and edit where required. You are trying to get a near perfect article that other webmasters will want to grab and republish on their sites. This is where the real search engine optimization boost comes from.

Every time your article is used, your resource box should be published with it. This provides the inbound links that you are looking for. If the submission site allows you to customize the link in the resource box, consider rotating through a couple of different resource boxes, each with different link structures. Your search engine optimization program will get a bigger boost if you can use different links with each submission.

Article submission is a smart way to gain extra traffic, extra credibility and of course, a huge boost to your search engine optimization program.

Free Web Hosts

Features and limitations

A few free web hosts offer basic package for free and enhanced packages (with more features) for a cost. This allows users to try the service for an initial trial (see how it performs compared to other hosts), and then upgrade when (and if) needed.

Here is a list of free webhosts to try. (must use FTP)* (1 day activation) (pet sites only) (non-profit only) (sign up) (1 day activation) (upload files only) (free tutorial) (free tutorial) l community architect Free Online Web Store

Monday, March 31, 2008

Useful Links for Each Web Designer

This list of links is a collection of useful tidbits, be they icons, fonts or online applications which make my life as a web site designer a whole lot easier. These are links which every web designer should be aware of.

FAMFAMFAM Silk Iconset - A wonderful set of over 700 icons to be used on your web sites. There’s literally an icon for every occasion here.

Pinvoke - Pinvoke also produce a lovely iconset containing over 400 icons. They also distribute some fantastic, free pixel fonts.

Tripoli - Tripoli is a stable, cross browser rendering foundation which forms a fantastic starting point for all web design projects. It creates a standard css and xhtml file which performs as consistently as possible across all modern browsers.

Colour Schemer Online - This colour schemer is a useful tool. Simply add a main parent colour to the swatch on the left and generate a palette of compatible colours. This can be especially useful if you’re struggling to find that perfect match of colours.

FontShop Free Fonts - This is a page featuring a freebie font offered by the FontShop. While there is only one font here, that font is changed and rotated fairly regularly and is generally a font of high quality, unlike a lot of free font offerings on the web. Well worth checking back regularly.

TypeTester - We all know about typetester, right? It’s an online app which allows you to preview different fonts rendered in css with all the different font style properties available. Useful for selecting font styles before designing a page.

CSS Type Test - Similar to TypeTester. My personal choice of type testing app.

AJAXRain - When used properly and intuitively, AJAX is pretty damn cool. AJAXRain is a directory of various different AJAX scripts, all located in one place and well organised.

Attackr - A good read, Attackrs articles are written by blogging designers all over the world who produce both interesting and informative articles.

CSS Play - Another one we all know about. A great resource of all kinds of different useful and experimental CSS techniques.

Google Analytics - Hugely popular, Google Analytics allows you to keep track of visitors to your site, and all kinds of information about them; where they come from, what browser they are using, which web site referred them etc etc etc. Very in-depth traffic analysis application.

GoPlan - GoPlan is a project tracking application which allows you to efficiently keep on top of all your current projects. It offers file hosting, chat rooms, calendars and all kinds of other useful features for you and your client. I prefer GoPlan to Basecamp as I get more for my bucks, and can pay with PayPal.

And there you have it. I hope you enjoyed my list of uber useful linkage!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Article Directories are good source for getting few thousand extra hits for your website. They also provide few quality backlinks so they are very import for SEO Purpose . A List of HTML-Friendly Article Submission Sites.

Article Directory List


29 Free Ebooks on Adsense!

Before you download these materials, please read this carefully.

1. These materials give you any advice on Adsense. Some, probably giving you bad ideas on getting rich with the Adsense. You should understand the difference between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Learn more about these two on Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
2. I get all these materials only by searching on the internet. Most of all are direct downloads of them. You will not facing any form asking you to fill in your name and email, or anykind of login and registering page. Just direct downloads.
3. The links to these materials can be changed or disappeared at any time with any reason. Download them as soon as you can.
4. Some of these materials may contain referral link, affiliate id, reseller link, or any kind of efforts to make money online from your clicks. Those all ARE NOT MINE. If you feel not willing to make somebody else getting richer, don’t screw with them. Just read the contents. Or, find another way that you think more appropriate to get to the materials.
5. If you think you have found any of these materials is breaking any laws or any kinds of legal rights, please let me know. Inform me at:, and tell me just where the visitor should go. This is NOT VALID in the case that the referred address is just another affiliate or reseller page. Tell me only the exact address of the author, the owner, or the fully legitimate and authorized page, as the original source of the material.
6. Basically, I’m only giving my visitors links based on the internet search results. I DO NOT responsible for any other obligation than removing the links. In any circumstances, I may be force myself to remove this whole post at all.
7. Use your anti virus application before opening the materials. I don’t want you suffered from all of these. After all, this is all should be fun.

29 Free eBooks On Adsense

50 Social Bookmarking Websites

Here is list of 50 Social Bookmarking Websites:

  1. 30daytags
  2. BlinkBits
  3. BlogHop
  4. BlogLot
  5. BlogMarks
  6. BlogMemes
  7. BlogPulse
  8. BmAccess
  9. browsr
  10. Fark
  11. CiteULike
  12. clipclip
  13. clipmarks
  14. Complore
  15. Connectedy
  16. Connotea
  19. digg
  20. diigo
  21. fantacular
  22. Feedmarker
  23. Feed Me Links
  24. Furl
  25. Gibeo
  26. GoKoDo
  27. Google Notebook
  28. IceRocket
  29. Kaboodle
  30. linkaGoGo
  32. linkroll
  33. Listible
  34. Lookmarks
  35. ma.gnolia
  36. Netvouz
  37. Newsvine
  38. openBM
  39. RawSugar
  40. reddit
  41. Rojo
  42. Rollyo
  43. Scuttle
  44. Shadows
  45. Simpy
  46. Sitetagger
  47. Smarking
  48. Spurl
  49. StumbleUpon
  50. taghop

Friday, March 28, 2008

Internet Marketing!

Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing or eMarketing (or e-Marketing), is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of instant response and in eliciting response, are unique qualities of the medium.

Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, online reputation management and also Social Media Marketing Methods such as blog marketing, and viral marketing.

Internet marketing is the process of growing and promoting an organization using online media. Internet marketing does not simply mean 'building a website' or 'promoting a website'. Somewhere behind that website is a real organization with real goals.

An Internet marketing strategy includes all aspects of online advertising online activity that promotes a company online, including websites, blog sites, article and press releases, online market research, email marketing, and advertising, as appropriate for the promotion of ones' business.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to Create Google Adsense Pages

First let me preface this article by stating that you should NOT create pages for the "gaming" of AdSense. Most companies who use AdWords are small to medium sized businesses trying to grow.

With rampant click fraud, those advertisers won't be able to advertise, and AdSense won't pay out as well.

That said, let's begin the process.

For our example, our topic is that of "widgets", so where do get started?

Create the page - Sounds simple enough, but there are some coding standards you should always use. They are:

* Name of the page - Use the name of the keyword you are targeting. So, in this example it would be widget.htm. You can use your web server's technology as well, but if in doubt, you can never go wrong with the .htm
* Title the page - Use the keyword again for the title.
* Meta Tags - Yes, they are still used. Make sure you include the keywords in your meta keyword list, and give a definition of the word in your meta description tag
* H1 - Put your keyword in stylized H1 tags. Use CSS to make the tag look consistent to the rest of your site

Content - This is often the biggest obstacle non-writers have. Don't worry, follow these steps and you'll soon be on your way to original content.

* Go to MSN, Yahoo and Google
* Enter your keyword into the search box
* Look at the top 5 sites listed from each search engine
* Educate yourself on the topic from the content found on these sites

Page Copy - Now that you've absorbed more information, compose your own page of ORIGINAL content. You can take bits and pieces from the other pages, but be sure to inject your personality into your writing. That will make it uniquely yours.

Links - Don't forget to link to authority sites about your subject. It's very natural for web pages to have links to other sites, don't forget about this key point.

Traffic - The most obvious is getting traffic to your site. Your site will have higher paying ads if your page gets more traffic.

Personally, I tried using the traffic generating sites, and quite frankly, they are a waste of time. Sure you'll build up your traffic numbers, but it's usually from an autosurfing program.

One last note. On September 1st, 2005 Google shut down my account because they suspected click fraud. I really don't have a problem with them shutting me down, because as an advertiser I want to know that they are watching my money. However, I believe they should show proof of the supposed fraudulent activity. I was even proactive in letting them know when I saw suspicious activity, but they never replied to my inquires.

On-page and Off-page Optimization Secrets

If you want to rank on top for Google, Yahoo!, and other major search engines, you’ll need more than a basic knowledge of search engine optimization. Those who rank high on natural search results do so because they’ve been able to effectively manage their on-page and off-page optimization factors.

On-page Optimization
What you do on your web pages can have a positive or negative impact on your search results. However, as we’ll discuss later in this article, off-page optimization is even more powerful when it comes to increasing your natural search engine placement.

Some of the most important on-page optimization techniques begin with choosing a key word to optimize your page for. There are a number of free tools available on the Internet that can help you find a keyword that is popular but not overly competitive. Keywords that are highly competitive are often very difficult to place well for.

Once you’ve selected a keyword, you can take advantage of:

Secret #1: Don’t optimize for a single keyword, optimize for a keyword phrase.
When you optimize for a single keyword, more often than not, that word is highly competitive and your chances of coming out on top are minimal. Where you gain a significant advantage is by focusing on a keyword phrase. This actually increases your chances of ranking well and ultimately helps you towards ranking well for the single word you originally chose.

Secret #2: Place your keyword phrase within the first 25 words of text, and the last 25 words of the page. The h1 tag can be used for developing a headline on your page and emphasizing your keyword phrase within the beginning of your page text (search engines love h1 tags). Another suggestion is to use your keyword phrase just after your copyright notice on the bottom of your webpage. This ensures that it is present within the last 25 words of your page.

Secret #3: Place your keyword phrase in your page title and description. Additionally, place the keyword phrase throughout your page - being sure to bold the phrase once, italicize the phrase once, and underline the phrase once. Mention your keyword phrase every paragraph or so. Just make sure that it appears natural. If you stuff the page with your keywords, you’ll potentially turn off browsers who would otherwise find your page valuable.

Off-page Optimization
Now that you’ve learned about on-page optimization, it’s important that you focus your attention on off-page optimization. Of all the techniques that have been developed for SEO, it still comes down to the popularity of your site.

The ranking of your website in a natural search engine result list is directly correlated to the popularity of your website.

So what do I mean by popularity? Popularity is the number and quality of links to your website. Although I’ve simplified the explanation here, you should know that links essentially count as votes. If everyone is "voting" for a particular website then the website becomes popular.

Secret #4: Get other sites to link to you. There are a number of ways to improve link popularity. Although I won’t recommend a specific link building tool, I will say that there have been a number of good products developed that simplify the process. It still takes time and hard work, but over time, increasing the number of sites linking to your website can pay huge dividends.

Secret #5: Make sure that incoming links are of high quality (sites with a high Google page rank). It’s not only important to have other sites link to you, it’s also important to have quality sites link to you.

Secret #6: Anchor text must include your keyword phrase. When other sites link to you, make sure the link includes your keyword phrase. Sites that link to your domain can help with overall page rank and popularity, but websites who link to you using your keyword phrase (in the anchor text) are what get you to the top of search engine result lists.

Secret #7: Give people a reason to link to your website. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, white papers, free content or tools, etc., but ultimately it comes down to offering something of value. If you do, other websites will give you their "vote", increasing your link popularity and your search engine results.

Increasing your rank on major search engines isn’t complex. But it does take time and effort. If you want to increase your website ranking, begin by implementing what you’ve learned in this article and stay the course.