Monday, June 16, 2008

Must Read Wordpress SEO

I started writing my beginner's guide to WordPress SEO a while back, and have since done a load of posts on the subject, an article in the Search Marketing Standard, newsletters, and presentations. It's time to let all the info of all these different articles fall into one big piece: the final guide to WordPress SEO.

As search, SEO, and the Wordpress platform evolve I will keep this article up to date with best practices.

As I take quite a holistic view on SEO, this guide will cover quite a lot, here's the contents...


How Google Measures Search Quality

This post continues my prior post Are Machine-Learned Models Prone to Catastrophic Errors. You can think of these as a two-post series based on my conversation with Peter Norvig. As that post describes, Google has not cut over to the machine-learned model for ranking search results, preferring a hand-tuned formula. Many of you wrote insightful comments on this topic; here I'll give my take, based on some other insights I gleaned during our conversation.

The heart of the matter is this: how do you measure the quality of search results? One of the essential requirements to train any machine learning model is a a set of observations (in this case, queries and results) that are tagged with "scores" that measure the goodness of the results. (Technically this requirement applies only to so-called "supervised learning" approaches, but those are the ones we are discussing here.) Where to get this data?

Given Google's massive usage, the simplest way to get this data is from real users. Try different ranking models on small percentages of searches, and collect data on how users interacted with the results. For example, how does a new ranking model affect the fraction of users who click on the first result? The second? How many users click to page 2 of results? Once a user clicks out to result page, how long before they click the back button to come back to the search results page?

Peter confirmed that Google does collect such data, and has scads of it stashed away on their clusters. However -- and here's the shocker -- these metrics are not very sensitive to new ranking models! When Google tries new ranking models, these metrics sometimes move, sometimes not, and never by much. In fact Google does not use such real usage data to tune their search ranking algorithm. What they really use is a blast from the past. They employ armies of "raters" who rate search results for randomly selected "panels" of queries using different ranking algorithms. These manual ratings form the gold-standard against which ranking algorithms are measured -- and eventually released into service.

It came as a great surprise to me that Google relies on a small panel of raters rather than harness their massive usage data. But in retrospect, perhaps it is not so surprising. Two forces appear to be at work. The first is that we have all been trained to trust Google and click on the first result no matter what. So ranking models that make slight changes in ranking may not produce significant swings in the measured usage data. The second, more interesting, factor is that users don't know what they're missing.

Let me try to explain the latter point. There are two broad classes of queries search engines deal with:

  • Navigational queries, where the user is looking for a specific uber-authoritative website. e.g., "stanford university". In such cases, the user can very quickly tell the best result from the others -- and it's usually the first result on major search engines.
  • Informational queries, where the user has a broader topic. e.g., "diabetes pregnancy". In this case, there is no single right answer. Suppose there's a really fantastic result on page 4, that provides better information any of the results on the first three pages. Most users will not even know this result exists! Therefore, their usage behavior does not actually provide the best feedback on the rankings.

Such queries are one reason why Google has to employ in-house raters, who have been instructed to look at a wider window than the first 10 results. But even such raters can only look at a restricted window of results. And using such raters also makes the training set much, much smaller than could be gathered from real usage data. This fact might explain Google's reluctance to fully trust a machine-learned model. Even tens of thousands of professionally rated queries might not be sufficient training data to capture the full range of queries that are thrown at a search engine in real usage. So there are probably outliers (i.e., black swans) that might throw a machine-learned model way off.

I'll close with an interesting vignette. A couple of years ago, Yahoo was making great strides in search relevance, while Google apparently was not improving as fast. Recall then that Yahoo trumpeted data showing their results were better than Google's. Well, the Google team was quite amazed, because their data showed just the opposite: their results were better than Yahoo's. They couldn't both be right -- or could they? It turns out that Yahoo's benchmark contained queries drawn from Yahoo search logs, and Google's benchmark likewise contained queries drawn from Google search logs. The Yahoo ranking algorithm performed better on the Yahoo benchmark and the Google algorithm performed better on the Google benchmark.

Two learnings from this story: one, the results depend quite strongly on the test set, which again speaks against machine-learned models. And two, Yahoo and Google users differ quite significantly in the kinds of searches they do. Of course, this was a couple of years ago, and both companies have evolved their ranking algorithms since then.

New Version of Google Trends Released

Recently, changes to Google Trends have been noticed, and today Google is finally announced a new version of the tool on the Official Google blog. The latest version includes a numeric metric dubbed 'relative scaling' and the ability to export trends data.

With relative scaling, the numbers will not provide exact data, but will give you ballpark of how certain terms are trending. Here's how is Google Trends team explained relative scaling:

You'll notice a number at the top of the graph as well as on the y-axis of the graph itself. These numbers don't refer to exact search-volume figures. Instead, in the same way that a map might “scale” to a certain size, Google Trends scales the first term you've entered so that its average search volume is 1.00 in the chosen time period. So in the example above, 1.00 is the average search volume of vanilla ice cream from 2004 to present. We can then see a spike in mid-2006 which crosses the 3.00 line, indicating that search traffic is approximately 3 times the average for all years.

The export function offers two options: relative scaling or fixed scaling. Fixed scaling is data scaled to a specific timeline.

Previously, users noticed the removal of the ability to view trends hourly.

What do you think of the new Google Trends? Give us your thoughts in the comments.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SEO A Guide for Beginners

What is SEO? Forget the hype, search engine optimization (SEO) is the art of getting a website to work optimally with search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK.

  • You don’t pay anything to get into Google, Yahoo or MSN
  • To get into Google, for instance, you must consider and largely abide by search engine rules for inclusion.
  • It’s thought all search engines rank websites by the quality of incoming links to a site from other websites and hundreds of other metrics. Generally speaking, a link from a page to another page is viewed in Google “eyes” as a vote for that page the link points to.
  • If you have original quality content on a site, you have a chance of generating quality links. If your content is found on other websites, you will find it hard to get links. If you have decent content on your site, you can let authority websites know about it, and they might link to you.
    • Search engines need to understand a link is a link. Links can be designed to be ignored by search engines (the attribute nofollow effectively cancels out the usefulness of a link, for instance)

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